Tuesday, 29 September 2015

New Website Software and New Committee

At a recent meeting of members and supporters a new steering committee was formed and important decisions were made to move our TimeBank forward.

New software.
We have decided to use Community Weaver 3 on-line software. New members are welcome to Join the site and existing members will also need to re-join on the new site.

Free membership for the rest of 2015.
We also decided to waiver the joining fee for the rest of the year. There is no annual subscription and the once-only fee was usually $10/$15.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

TimeBank founder to visit Wairarapa!

Professor Edgar Cahn

This is an amazing opportunity for people in Wairarapa to meet Prof Cahn.
TimeBanking is a way of giving and receiving to build supportive networks
and strong communities. One hour helping another earns one TimeBank Hour
TimeBanking builds on the magic of “pay it forward,” one good turn leading
to another and another.

Widely known as the father of timebanking, Professor Cahn is in NZ for The
Lyttelton Harbour Timebank's 10th birthday - which is celebrating the start of
Timebanking in NZ and making a special trip to the Wairarapa!

A self declared humanitarian from birth, Edgar Cahn has dedicated his life to fighting injustice and
poverty.   Timebanks are now found in more than 34 countries, with over 600 Timebanks
operating in the US and Britain alone.                                
When:  31 August 2015                                      Where: Frank Cody Lounge, Masterton Town Hall
Time:    10.00am to Midday                                Contact:  helend@contact.net.nz  
Wairarapa Timebank, supported by Masterton District Council, is delighted to  have the        
opportunity to share Edgar Cahns story locally.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Steering Committee in Recess

Like any organisation Wairarapa TimeBank needs a steering committee to guide it. Unfortunately those that started out have been unable to carry on but maybe willing to rejoin when others are also keen.

If you are interested in being part of a new steering committee please let us know by email or commenting below. But first please join up (click on "Join Us" in above menu) is easy and cheap!