This interesting Time-based currency in Amsterdam seems to have a
far wider scope than that achieved in Timbanks elsewhere.
The Makkie is a reward scheme in the
Makassarsquare neighbourhood, part of the Amsterdam East District. The purpose
of De Makkie is to empower local people,
to encourage them to take an active role
in their community and to improve liveability in the Makassarsquare neighbourhood.
residents are rewarded with Makkies when they actively
contribute to their neighbourhood or when helping
out their neighbours on the request of the municipality,
housing corporations, welfare
institutions or professional
organisations. It includes for example: cleaning
public space, doing the housekeeping
for an elderly
person, or helping to organise a local
event. Makkies can be redeemed for goods and services at local shops and organisations such as free entrance to
the cinema, museum, or swimming pool,
a significant rebate at local independent traders or a free subscription at the library. Participants of the scheme are encouraged
to trade among themselves as well. For
example, babysitting or
administrative help. As a rule, one Makkie equals
the value of one hour of work.
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